Which Diet is Best for Burning Fat?

There are hundreds of diets out there which either claim to promote general well-being or go one further and claim to actively burn off fat. You could take the easy road and go vegetarian or vegan, but what diets are out there that allow us to actively burn fat whilst enjoying our favourite food? The […]

Easy Fat Burning Exercises

Anyone who says finding time to go to the gym is easy is most probably either lying or has a significant gap in their schedule where there shouldn’t be one. The truth is that hitting the gym is understandably not a priority for most people, and if it is, slotting in at around work, family […]

Losing Fat With A Less Active Lifestyle

Many people who want to lose fat will quite wrongly assume that the only way they can shed pounds is to hit the gym, which, whilst partly true, is also somewhat of a fallacy. It’s definitely the case that gym goers have an easier ride, but for various reasons, a lot of us cannot get […]

Everyday Fat Burning Food and Drink

It’s all well and good getting to the gym, watching what you do and don’t eat and generally living a life based around keeping your weight down, but the fact is that many people make it a harder battle for themselves by missing out one simple extra step; consuming food and drink that actively helps […]

Exercising With Nausea

Nausea can put the brakes on pretty much any exercise routine. If you wake up feeling nauseous, the last thing you want to do is hit the gym and if it comes on mid-routine, such as when you are out for a jog, it pretty much kills everything dead in the water. Whilst getting to […]

Exercising When Terminally Ill

Perhaps one of the most difficult subjects to tackle is what to do with a terminal diagnosis. Effectively, being told there is nothing more that can be done can feel like there is suddenly a giant countdown timer hanging over you. It is very easy to fall into a trap of doing nothing and waiting […]

When Recovering From an Operation

Exercising sensibly after an operation is integral to recovery and general health. The body is still reeling from an invasive procedure, so is going to be operating at a reduced capacity; exercising helps develop muscle mass, increase cardiovascular health and generally help the body alone whilst it recovers. However, the key word here is ‘sensibly.’ […]

Training with a Cold or Flu

Getting hit with cold or flu is an absolute nightmare at the best of times, but it hits even harder when it storms in and upsets our entire training program. There’s the old familiar scenario of getting back up after and not feeling quite right; a tighter chest, lower tolerance for extremes and a general […]

Training With Broken Bones and Sprains

We have all seen someone running with their arm in a sling or hobbling along with a quite visible injury and furthermore, we have probably all thought how brave they were. Whilst a break or a sprain is not necessarily the end of the road for training, it most certainly should be something that puts […]

Medication and Breastfeeding

None of us are born perfect and this is also true for expectant and recent mothers. In fact, a lot of previously dormant health conditions can flare up during pregnancy and early motherhood (the body is ever changing and may suddenly decide to upset the balance.) Other conditions can certainly present themselves out of the […]